Healthy Lips 101: Stay on Top of the Latest Trends for Gorgeous Lips

Healthy lips do play a very crucial role when it comes to ones appearance. But lips also displays your overall being. They are your personality displayer. Lips are constantly in action. They play a huge role in non verbal communication. Lips are prime when it comes to expressing emotions or to say communicating affection. Hydrated and healthy lips are your ticket to confident. However, lips are prone over various issues, like dryness and cracking and dulling due to many factors and they are to be treated with at most priority.

Well universe has send you to the right place. In this blog we’ll delve into the secrets for maintaining healthy lips which also includes professional practical tips and tricks. We have also included things which you can definitely do at home too. So lets get your pout a health touch.

1. Hydration is a Key to Healthy Lips :

You might have read this almost every where that your lips needs proper hydration. But what exactly and most importantly HOW? Remember as your body needs proper rest after work., your lips needs proper hydration to keep up.

Do’s :

  • Make sure to drink ample amount of water throughout the day to keep your lips hydrated from inside.
  • Lip balm plays a vital role if your lips are facing with cracking and dulling. Use a lip balm which includes shea butter or coconut oil to keep lock on moisture.
  • Home-d : You can also apply clarified butter over your lips for hydration. You can make clarified butter at home using butter. Apply required amount of clarified butter before sleep and get a day long pouty lips.

Don’ts :

  • Don’t avoid drinking water. Water is very essential for healthy lips. Average human has to consume about 10 – 12 cups of water (2.2 liters to 3 liters) for both men and women.
  • Don’t go for too much fancy lip moisturizer as they might contain chemicals which leads to dull lips. Try natural coconut oil for lips.

2. Exfoliations :

Exfoliate is to remove dead skin cells which do accumulate over your skin after time. The dead skin over your lips makes them dry with a rough texture. This also makes them kind of dull. Healthy lips needs exfoliations.

Do’s :

  • Incorporate gentle exfoliation into your skincare routine. This will definitely sway away dead skin cells.
  • Get done with your exfoliation at least once in 2 days. If you are doing it regularly, get it done only using kitchen ingredient’s for exfoliation.
  • Home-d : Get your self made home kit of lips exfoliator. It’s time for some recipe. Add up powdered sugar and honey in a small cup. Add up sugar to honey only to get a slimy running like texture. If you got too thick, use coconut oil to get it silky. Voodoo!! Its done!

Don’t :

  • Again we recommend you not to go shopping for some fancy lip exfoliator. Keep things natural and you will get a natural pink lips.
  • Don’t laze up and skip exfoliation. They will get dull per day you miss lip appointment. Healthy lips needs exfoliations over regular intervals.

3. Is Lip Pumping Products Safe?

Healthy Lips

Many tends to have a healthy, heavy lips to get that perfect looking lips. There are actually various methods used for pumping lips. Both natural and artificial. But are they lips friendly? And how to can one keep up with healthy lips even after using one? Lets get your questions answers to full.

If you are looking for bigger lips., you can use a natural methods which including overlining and natural lip pumpers. (Do consult a doctor before going in too deep).

Overlining is by far the healthiest. Overlining creates a sense of false fuller lips. Through one must do it moderately. Please for the love of healthy lips, do not over do it. It is prone to cause irritation if applied harshly. Also it looks unnatural if done a heavy work. A moderate ones is okey. Apart from overlining you can also get illusion of bigger lips through make up techniques of highlighting and contouring.

Next in line we have lip pumpers. There also are in lip balms and glosses. They usually have ingredients like cinnamon or menthols which do claims for temporary lip pumps. Check your allergies and go crazy with this.

And last we have cosmetic procedures of lip fillers (which includes injections of hyaluronic acids) and implants. They provide results which last longer than any other techniques. Though they last long, they also comes with the potential risk of swelling and infections in some.

As your friend, we suggest go with the illusions or natural lip pumpers rather than injections and implants. They are actually way healthier. Still get a professional advice if you want to go cosmetic procedures.

4. Sun Protection :

Just as your skin, lips are also exposed to sun when you are out. Thus a lip balm with a good SPF rating should be used whenever during outing. Healthy lips do need a good sun protection.

Do’s :

  • During longer sun exposure, make sure to apply lip balm more than ones. This will get you through long time of UV rays exposure.
  • Wash your face and lips at regular intervals when outing. Keep a vitamin C face wash with you at the outdoor times.

5. Applying Lipstick :

Well everyone do apply Lipsticks so they can get even cute lips. But how to maintain lips health and apply lipstick at the same time. Well you can’t always get a lips friendly and healthy lipstick. So how to maintain lip health? Here Here. We got your covered.

Do’s :

  • Check out the lipstick ingredients before buying one. They might contain nourishing factors like vitamins and antioxidants or other useful vitamins.
  • Prepare your lips before applying lipstick. Use a moisturizing base for lipstick to apply. This has 2 advantages. Firstly your lipstick will stay longer as it has a strong base and secondly it will be quite the ease to remove lipstick at the end of the day. Thus minimizing any potential negative effect over lips.
  • Also some people are allergic to lipstick. Even if you are not, choose lipstick with at most care.

Don’t :

  • Don’t go applying lipstick on daily basis. Just apply it occasionally.
  • Discontinue the use of lipstick if you find any allergies related to dyes used in it or even flavoring in it.

6. Lips Licking :

Many just tend to lick lips when they go all dry. That do provide a temporary relief. But they can actually worsen the situation. This is due to saliva. Thick saliva evaporates almost quickly and makes your lips even drier than before.

Do’s :

  • This is the time when lip balms and lips moisturizers comes in to action. Reach for those hydrating agents and soothe the dryness.
  • Clarified butter also acts as a healer for dry lips. Just use unsalted butter for clarification.
  • Do visit a doctor if you have heavy dryness.

Don’t :

  • Don’t ever bit or plug or lick dry lips. Biting and plugging makes your lips darker. They might go permanent.

7. Balanced Diet :

Balanced diet comes in overall health. They are very essential for not only lips but overall health. Nutrients deficiencies do affect your lips and the effect is directly visible in form of dry and more of chapped lips. So what nutrients to include in your daily diet for those celebrity type fancy and healthy lips?

Vitamin A, C & E are very essential for skin health and does goes in favor of healthy lips, added along with omega 3 fatty acids. Also incorporate the use of fruits, green veggies, nuts into your diet for skin health. Avoid fermented food, or oily food.

8. Before Bed :

Firstly remove the lipstick if you have been wearing. This is very very essential and do not laze up for it. Clean your lips and face with plenty of water or using your favorite vitamin C face wash.

Before bed lips hydration is very necessary for day long healthy lips on following day. Try applying natural home made hydration over lips. Or as we have mentioned a dozen times above, the usefulness of clarified butter, over your lips.

You can also get it done with your favorite lip balm before bedtime for day long nourishment for your healthy lips. This increases the moisture content of your room. Thus heavily prevents dry lips over night.

Conclusion :-

Not only the beauty of lips but also one’s entire comfort and health will be improved if they are well-maintained. By emphasizing lip care, you can have softer, supple lips that will both look and feel fantastic.

Since dehydration is deadly, it is important for you to drink a lot of water and frequently apply lip balm to your lips to keep them hydrated. SPF lip balm is really good, as it protects your lips from the harmful effects of UV rays which can cause sunburn and premature ageing.

Abstaining from such habits as licking your lips and using drying lip cosmetics can help maintain the moisture shield. Periodic exfoliation can dispose of lifeless cells of the skin and produce smoother lips, in addition to a well-balanced diet that is filled with vitamins and minerals which are meant to keep lips healthy, in general.

Here with duly record that only a visit to a medical practitioner can acquaint you with the idea of a healthy lip surgery.

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