Calcium Rich Vegetarian Food : Well its always a priority to maintain the bones health as they are the support system for humans. Its crucial for overall human well-being. When it comes to bones health, we often think of calcium rich diet which is often subjective to dairy products. But apart from dairy options, there are large plant-based options to meet calcium needs.
We will be discussing from importance of calcium, their sources for vegans, how does calcium intake be fully optimized and closing the article with simple calcium rich tasty recipes along with brief conclusion. Let’s get into it!!
1. Calcium Rich Foods & Its Importance :
Calcium, a important element in the universe, plays an essential role in human bone formation, its strength along with its density. Calcium and its phosphates hardens the bones. Calcium rich body are prone to risk of bone fracturing and any other calcium deficiency related diseases in bones.
But why are we so dependent on calcium from dairy or subsidiary products? The reason is that our body do not produce calcium. Thus it becomes obvious and equally important that human should get more calcium from food and drinks from their daily diet.
Apart from vital importance of calcium to bones, human heart muscles and even nerves in human body needs calcium for proper functioning. Make a note here. Calcium with Vitamin D have actually more benefits beyond your understanding. They have their role in maintaining high blood pressure and also benefits in diabetes patients.
2. How much Calcium Does Human Body Need? (Calcium Intakes)
Human body need about 700mg of calcium per day. The amount does go as high as 1100mg for adult female over 50 and adult male over 65 – 70 years of age. Aging has its effects on bone strength and one should consult experts to maintain supplements if needed.
The number of calcium intake does vary when you are following a complete vegan diet. This is due to difference in calcium absorption from plant-based diet. *Always consult a professional so that you get specified with intakes.
3. Calcium Rich Foods For Vegans :
Lets get to the point of rich sources of calcium rich foods for vegans. Of course this will all be plant based as following >>
i) Green Leafy Veggies :
- Green leafy veggies like spinach, Bok choy, kale are excellent sources of calcium. The amount of calcium in 100g of spinach is around 80 – 100mg., thus making an excellent option of calcium for vegans.
- Apart from that, green leafy like Collard greens, Broccoli and Turnip green does their share in providing calcium to human body. When we measure contains, one cup of each has around 90 – 100mg of Calcium in it.
- Even if you don’t like greens, they are calcium rich. You definitely go along with salads and smoothies and soups for the calcium boost.
- Spinach in stews does help greatly. They get blend easily in any stew. Add up with your favorite seasoning and veggies and you done!! Thus your favorite stew is now going to be calcium rich too.
ii) Plant Milks :
- Plant milks stands as an excellent options for vegans as they are calcium rich. This fortifies plant milks includes milks from soy, almonds and from rice.
- Almond milk is a lactose free milk and apart from rich calcium in it, almond milk is potentially rich of phosphorus, zinc and magnesium. This makes almond milk more superior to traditional cow milk. Almond milk has over 120mg of Calcium per 100ml.
- Then comes Soya milk. Soy milk is extracted from whole soybeans. They are mostly unsweetened but you do get a sweetened version too. Soya milk do contains vitamins, minerals in it along with anti-oxidants, but they have high calcium contain in it. Its almost one fourth the quantity found in almond milk but still it does have good calcium in it.
- Always do check the label which displays the actually calcium content in it along with any other mineral contents.
- Add up this milks to your breakfast cereals or simple morning beverage for energy. Do experiment plant milks by using them for baking too.
- Do also understand that cereals also have small traces of Calcium in it and thus cereals with fortified milks will greatly benefit you.
iii) Tempeh & Tofu :

- We have discussed the advantages of Soya Milk, and Tofu and Tempeh both are soy-based products, they are highly calcium rich.
- Tofu is a soft, cottage cheese like Soya product used in many dishes in Asia, but you generally get them easily available near your local store. Tofu be a good breakfast ingredient when its added in salads with your favorite veggies and olive oil. A tofu stir fry and sandwich do taste good. Add up spinach to the stir fry for more of calcium content.
– Tofu is also added as major in Chinese and Korean dishes. Give them a try sometimes. - – On the other hand, Tempeh is a dense by product cooked from fermented Soybeans. Tempeh is not only calcium rich but its loaded with proteins, minerals and fiber. It has a nutty taste.
– You might say it taste like mushrooms and is available as ‘ready to eat’ product in local stores. Try steaming them (15min or so) for softer texture.
– You will find Italian recipes for Tempeh like Tempeh Bolognese which is cooked tempeh with a pasta sauce like texture. It includes mushrooms, herbs, tomatoes, red wine & garlic. Just image a tasty pasta already cooking!! Yummm!!
iv) Nutty Vibes :
- Almonds, Sesame seeds, chia seeds and tahini are a good calcium option for vegans. We have already discussed Almonds and almond milk above. So lets get with this supplementary nutty ones.
- Sesame seeds are good calcium alternative as they have about 900mg of Calcium per 100grams which is actually a great quantity. Tahini on the other hand should be handled with care. Just a tablespoon of Tahini has over 15% – 20% of daily calcium allowance for humans.
- Chia seeds have half the calcium percentages as in sesame seeds. Still they does a pretty great help in fulfilling daily calcium intake. They sure are calcium rich.
- Get your snacks ready by garnishing them with this nuts to increase its nutritional values. Do add them on salads or over buttered toasts or over yogurts., its up to you.
v) More Of Beans and Fruits :
- Beans of chickpeas and lentils do have noteworthy calcium in them. Oh and black beans too. Chickpeas have almost the same amount of calcium as almonds and fortified plant milks. They are quite calcium rich and dense if you ask.
- When it comes to black beans and lentils, they have half and one fifth amount of calcium found in chickpeas.
- Get this beans into soups, stews or maybe in salads. They are versatile.
- Apart from Vitamin C in Oranges, they do are good calcium supplement.
- There are also traces of Calcium in your daily cereals too.
vi) Calcium Absorption :
- Calcium absorption is enhanced with you eat calcium rich food along with Vitamin D. Rich sources of Vitamin D for vegan are exposure to early morning sun and fortified vitamin D with it supplements.
- Foods which contains Vitamin K, magnesium and phosphorus also do supports with bone strengths.
4. Vegan Meal Simple Recipes :
- Calcium Smoothie : A smoothie with spinach, your favorite plant milk, tofu/tempeh and a banana is a calcium heaven. Add up flavors according to your taste and you are ready to rock the day. Do experiment with orange milk shake with fortified milk.
- Use honey instead of sugar in smoothies for health benefits. This will also help with diabetes patients.
- Do have in mind that cereals also have good traces of calcium in it. As many have cereals as their daily diet, you do not have to put much trace about calcium.
- Stir fried Tofu : Tofu stir fried with veggies is always a good dinner or lunch option. Its easy to make and most importantly calcium rich. Stir fry tofu in shallow oil along with onion, peppers and your favorite seasonings. Do add spinach leaves for flavor and garnish the dish with sesame seeds over the top. Have it with a nan bread or turn it into a simple sandwich with tofu stuffings
- Beans Stew Scramble : Scramble up boiled beans like chickpeas or black beans or lentils with Quinoa. Add almonds, spinach according to your taste with your regular seasonings and garnish it with tahini. A calcium bean scramble is done!! You can also add fried tofu as toppings with it. It all up to you to play with the recipes.
- Salads are always a option. You can add up your favorite beans to it with Bok choy, spinach and olive oil for taste.
5. Conclusion :
In conclusion do have an adequate calcium intake to maintain bone strengths specially in vegans. As added above, vegan can met their calcium requirements through fortified milks, beans, green leafy veggies, nuts, seeds and more. Also make sure that calcium is properly absorbed for optimal bone strength and overall well being.
Always consult a doctor before planning a diet. They are professionals in the field.